Break through To improving results

Mastering is the ideal platform for all stages of your course.

Mastering Brings Learning Full Circle

Mastering: Continuously Adaptive


For more than 12 years, Mastering has brought learning full circle

Mastering is the world’s leading online homework, tutorial, and assessment system for science and engineering, designed to improve results and increase student engagement before, during, and after class.

  • Before class. Instructors ensure students come to class ready to learn by assigning Dynamic Study Modules, reading quizzes, pre-lecture quizzes, and formative assessments that test students’ knowledge of the material.
  • During class. Learning Catalytics™ and powerful Mastering media, such as simulations, Flix, and videos, integrate technology in the classroom to engage students and encourage critical thinking while bringing tough topics to life.
  • After class. Students continue to master concepts through homework, quizzes, and testing that automatically assess your students’ comprehension of the material. Adaptive Follow-Ups assignments provide coaching and targeted opportunities for remediation, personalized to each student’s strengths and weaknesses.

Our commitment to efficacy

At Pearson, we believe that learning changes lives, and that education should have a measurable, proven impact on learners’ lives. This is what Pearson’s efficacy program and tools are all about. We rely on learning outcomes to measure and improve our impact on student learning and to ensure we’ are doing all we can do to equip learners to succeed.

Used by more than 4 million students each year, Pearson's Mastering delivers consistent, measurable gains in student learning outcomes, retention, and subsequent course success.

Start your search for user-provided evidence now

Learn about the Mastering product for your discipline